Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

WHOA! even the first on the list of the "something to talk about" given me quite some headache.HAHA

YEAY! best friends, I have tonnes of best friends out there, because I do connect with people wisely (as in to cover my trueself up.HAHA). and for the note, I’m the type of a person who thinks everyone is nice and good, but not until I get to know them. Haha! By the time I knew they were not that good, it would be too late. However, I am not that easily to be influenced. I trust them. They trust me. I trust mostly everyone.(copied from someone's blog.HAHA, but true thats the way I feel mostly).

Well, is it necessary for me to mention their names out loud? HAHA. I guess I shouldnt (nobody gonna read this anyway).For all my BFF. I will still always love you guys, I miss every single moment we spent together, I miss how the way we are when were together, I really do! I miss the old time when we used to be naughty together, setting pranks on other people, and the other people play prank back on us (and we call it a war.HAHA (we were so childish back then). and and I miss the time when we used to eat together, laugh at each other together, winks together, calling people names together, blackmailing someone through their lockers together.HAHA, and so much fun thing together. WHOA!! I really do miss you guys.

For the smile, cry, shameless act, winks, and a LOT of laugh (I must say). I hope we will all success in everything we do. And for the most of us during the gap, we have faced tremendous triumph and tragedy. I for one,am looking forward to meet you guys again (maybe in the future insya'Allah), and we'll start poreting.:DD

teehee :))

1 comment:

  1. Me too, think people are nice- until i get to know them.
